Random Cultivar Of The Day
Red Canada

- Flesh quality
- firm, crisp, rather fine-grained, tender, juicy, aromatic, rich, agreeably subacid but becoming rather too mild toward the close of the season, good to best
- Flesh color
- white, yellow tinged, green tinged
- Skin quality
- tough, nearly smooth especially toward the cavity, slightly rough about the basin,
- Skin color
- yellow, green, red
- Sizes
- large, medium, above medium
- Shape
- round, unequal sides, ribbed, uniform, symmetrical, regular, elliptical, conical
- Keeping quality
- It stands heat well before going into storage and goes down gradually. Its season is somewhat variable. The commercial limit in ordinary storage is January or February, and in cold storage, April. Its season for home use usually extends from November to March or later. Although the fruit may remain apparently sound it is apt to lose much of its high flavor after midwinter.
- General quality
- desirable size, attractive form and color and superior quality. The quality of the fruit varies much in different seasons and in different localities. When grown on heavy clay soils its quality in some seasons is decidedly inferior to that of Baldwin and would be rated only fair to good but when grown on certain fertile soils of a gravelly; or sandy nature in favorable seasons it develops color, flavor and quality fully equal to that of Esopus Spitzenburg.
- Uses
- market, dessert
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 1 (Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1905), 275.