Random Cultivar Of The Day

Northern Spy

Northern Spy II
East Bloomfield
This apple is ranked third in commercial importance in NY apples. It is known for it's flavor and quality and is known as one of the best winter apples. Because it is so juicy and tender it is not a good variety for evaporating. Well adapted for local, general, and fancy trade. It sells for above average prices due to it's reputation.
Flesh quality
It is very good to best in quality of flesh. Firm, fine-grained, juicy, crisp, aromatic, subacid, and tender.
Flesh color
Skin quality
Thin, tender, glossy, and smooth.
Skin color
pink mottled, red, yellow, red mottled, mottled, carmine blushed
very large, large
round, ribbed, oblong, symmetrical, elliptical, conical
Keeping quality
Typically good at keeping but it has a lot of shrinking in storage and susceptible to blue mold. When kept it storage it's keeping time can be extended till March or April and at times even till May.
General quality
Known as one of the best winter apples.
market, dessert, culinary
Eating season starts in
Eating season ends in