
- From
- Russia
- Description
- Part of the Aport group (a class of Russian apples). It is apt to decay and crack and there is a fair bit of chafing where the fruit rubs up against twigs or branches. There is a strong demand for it in some markets.
- Flesh quality
- Firm, coarse, moderately crisp, tender, juicy, mild subacid. Fair to good quality.
- Flesh color
- yellow, white
- Skin quality
- Moderately thick, tough, smooth, glossy, somewhat waxy
- Skin color
- red, yellow, red striped, red blushed, green, mottled, orange, carmine blushed
- Sizes
- very large, large
- Shape
- round, oblate, uniform, symmetrical, regular, conical, angular
- General quality
- Medium to good.
- Uses
- culinary
- Also known as
- Albertin
- Alexander the First
- Alexandre
- Aporta
- Aporta Nalivia
- Aubertin
- Beauty of Queen
- Belle d'Orleans
- Comte Woronzoff
- Corail
- English King
- Emperor Alexandre I
- Empereur Alexandre de Russie
- Empereur de Russie
- Emperor Alexander
- Fin d'Automne
- Grand Alexander
- Grand Alexandre
- Gros-Alexandre
- Jolly Alexandre
- Jolly Gentleman
- Kaiser Alexander
- Korallen Apfel
- Phoenix
- Phonix
- Pomona Britannica
- President Napolcon
- Russian Emperor
- Stoke Tulip
- Wolf River
- Wunderapfel
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 2 (Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1905), 3.