
- From
- Bethel
- Description
- Similar to the Blue Pearmain in quality, texture, form, dots, and color. It is suitable for local markets as opposed to shipment over long distances. Tree development is strong in orchards but not in the nursery. Recommended for planting for local market and home usage. Thought to be similar to another Northern New York apple called Stone, also from the Blue Pearmain group.
- Flesh quality
- Fair to good quality. It is firm, coarse, crisp, moderately tender & juicy, mild subacid.
- Flesh color
- yellow
- Skin quality
- Thick, tough, smooth.
- Skin color
- purple striped, red mottled, carmine striped, yellow
- Sizes
- large
- Shape
- round, elliptical, conical
- Keeping quality
- Cannot keep through rough handling but it is healthy, long lived, and a reliable cropper.
- General quality
- Fairly good. It is locally profitable. It comes into bearing young and bears fruit annually.
- Uses
- dessert, culinary, local market
- Eating season starts in
- November
- Eating season ends in
- March
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 1 (Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1905), 72.