
- From
- Pennsylvania
- Description
- It was little known in New York in 1905.
- Flesh quality
- often affected with "Baldwin Spot," firm, moderately coarse, crisp, moderately tender, juicy, agreeable, mild subacid, aromatic, rich, sprightly
- Flesh color
- yellow tinged
- Skin quality
- moderately thick, tough, smooth,
- Skin color
- carmine blushed, carmine striped, yellow, pink-red blushed
- Sizes
- large, above medium
- Shape
- round, irregular, unequal sides, ribbed, oblate, conic
- General quality
- very good
- Uses
- dessert
- Eating season starts in
- September
- Eating season ends in
- November
- Also known as
- Cornell Fancy
- Cornell's Favourite
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 2 (Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1905), 40.