Deacon Jones

- From
- Pennsylvania
- Description
- Fruit showy and of good marketable size, averaging larger than Baldwin. When well colored it is handsome, the yellow ground color being mostly overlaid with good red, relieved with dots of a contrasting color.
- Flesh quality
- Rather firm, coarse, somewhat crisp, tender, moderately juicy, mild subacid, slightly aromatic, not high in quality, fair to possibly good
- Flesh color
- yellow, white
- Skin quality
- Handsome, the yellow ground color being mostly overlaid with good red, relieved with dots of a contrasting color
- Skin color
- red, yellow, carmine, white mottled
- Sizes
- very large, large
- Shape
- oblong, round, oblique, conical
- Keeping quality
- good
- General quality
- It is not good enough in quality to be recommended for home use, but it may possibly be of value as a commercial variety.
- Uses
- market
- Eating season starts in
- November
- Eating season ends in
- March
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 1 (Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1905), 104.