Early Strawberry

- From
- New York
- Flesh quality
- moderately coarse, crisp, moderately tender, juicy, subacid, aromatic, sprightly, very good.
- Flesh color
- red streaked, white-yellow
- Skin quality
- rather thick, tough, smooth, waxy
- Skin color
- striped, red, yellow, mottled
- Sizes
- uniform, medium, below medium
- Shape
- round, conic, ribbed, regular
- Keeping quality
- keeps better that Early Red Margaret
- Eating season starts in
- August
- Eating season ends in
- September
- Also known as
- American Red Juneating
- De La Madeleine Rouge
- Fraise
- Louis XI'III
- Red Juneating
- St. John Strawberry
- Stripped Shropshire
- Tennesee Early Red
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 2 (Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1905), 56.