Gloria Mundi

- Description
- The exact place of origin of this apple seems doubtful. In 1804 Mease stated, " It originated on the farm of Mr. Crooks, near Red Hook in New York". Thirteen years later Coxe credited it with a Long Island origin.
- Flesh quality
- coarse, moderately crisp, rather tender, juicy, rather mild subacid, fair or nearly good in quality
- Flesh color
- green-yellow tinged
- Skin color
- green-yellow, bronze blushed
- Sizes
- very large, large
- Shape
- round, unequal sides, ribbed, truncate, conical
- General quality
- It has been commonly held to be unproductive, but a few fruit growers in Southeastern New York report that it is a good bearer and a profitable commercial variety.
- Uses
- culinary, exhibition
- Eating season starts in
- October
- Eating season ends in
- January
- Also known as
- American Gloria Mundi
- American Mammoth
- Baltimore
- Baltimore Pippin
- Belle Dubois
- Belle Josephine
- Copp's Mammoth
- Glazenwood
- Glazenwood Gloria Mundi
- Impératrice Joséphine
- Joséphine
- Kinderhook Pippin
- Mammoth
- Mammoth Pippin
- Melon
- Mississippi?
- Monstreuse
- Pippin
- Monstrous Pippin
- Mountain Flora
- N. Y. Gloria Mundi
- Ox Apple
- Pound
- Vandyne Apple
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 2 (Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1905), 76.