Jonathan Buler

- Description
- Not a very good apple for planting in New York. The trees start bearing fruit when they are young and have fruit annually. Sometimes it has heavy crops and at times the crops are moderate, though there is a lot of fruit lost by dropping. In common storage this apple is prone to scald after January.
- Flesh quality
- Fair to almost good. It is firm, tender, crisp, moderately coarse, very juicy, mild subacid, has a peculiar aroma that is not pleasing.
- Flesh color
- white, red tinged
- Skin quality
- Smooth, waxen, glossy
- Skin color
- red, yellow, red striped, red blushed, green, mottled, white, carmine blushed
- Sizes
- large, medium
- Shape
- symmetrical, ribbed, oblate
- General quality
- Not very good but as a commercial variety it is esteemed for cooking and other culinary purposes.
- Uses
- dessert, culinary
- Eating season starts in
- November
- Eating season ends in
- April
- Also known as
- Buler
- Jonathan of Buler
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 1 (Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1905), 174.