
- From
- England
- Skin quality
- pleasant subacid, good
- Skin color
- yellow striped, red blushed
- Sizes
- small, medium, below medium
- Shape
- round, ovate
- Uses
- dessert
- Also known as
- D'Eve
- Duverson's June
- Early June of South
- Early Margaret
- Early Red
- Early Red Juneating
- Early Red Margaret
- Early Striped Juneating
- Eve Apple
- Herr's June
- June of some in Ohio
- Lammas
- Magdalene
- Margaret, Early
- Margaret, Early Red
- Margaretha Apfel
- Marget Apple
- Marguerite
- Maudlin
- Red Joaneting
- Red June of South
- Red Juneating
- Red Juneting
- Reinette Quarrendon
- Rotlier Jacobs
- Rother Jacobs Apfel
- Striped Juneating
- Striped Quarendon
- Striped Quarrenden
- Summer Traveller
- Virginia June
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 2 (Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1905), 141.