Pomme Grise

- From
- Montreal
- Description
- More well-known in Canada than New York.
- Flesh quality
- Firm, crisp, moderately fine-grained, juicy, rich, subacid, aromatic, and very good to best
- Flesh color
- yellow
- Skin quality
- Moderately thick, rather tough, and russeted.
- Skin color
- green, yellow
- Sizes
- small, below medium
- Shape
- round, ribbed, oblate, symmetrical, conical
- Keeping quality
- Its keeping quality varies much in different seasons. In cold storage its season extends from December to February or March, and in ordinary storage, from the middle of October to January or possibly February. After midwinter it is apt to deteri- orate in quality, although it may remain apparently in good condi- tion till March or April.
- General quality
- Excellent for desserts
- Uses
- dessert, local market
- Eating season starts in
- December
- Eating season ends in
- April
- Also known as
- Bee de Lievre
- Belle Fille
- De Cuir
- French Russet
- Gray Apple
- Grise
- Leather Apple of Turie
- Leder
- De Maroqiun
- De Peau
- Pomme de Cuir
- Pomme Gree
- Pomme Gris
- Prager Reinette Franche de Grandville
- Reinette de Darnetal
- Reinette Grise
- Reinette Grise de Darnetal
- Reinette Grise Double
- Reinette Grise extra
- Reinette Grise Francaise
- Reinette Grise de Grandville
- Reinette Grise d'Hivet
- Reinette toute Grise
Spencer A. Beach, The Apples of New York, vol. 1 (Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1905), 264.