Pumpkin Sweet

Pumpkin Sweet
McCarty is identical with Pumpkin Sweet in general characters and is sold as Pumpkin Sweet, but it appears to differ enough from the type in certain characteristics to entitle it to recognition as a distinct strain.
Flesh quality
firm, medium in texture, crispness and juiciness, decidedly sweet w-ith a peculiar flavor
Flesh color
yellow tinged
Skin quality
rather thin, tough, smooth,
Skin color
green-yellow blushed, green, yellow
very large, large
round, irregular, ribbed, uniform, conical, globular, elliptical
Keeping quality
Its keeping qualities differ greatly in different localities and in different seasons.
dessert, culinary
Eating season starts in
Eating season ends in
Also known as
Lyman's Large Yellow
Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet
Pound Sweet
Pumpkin Sweeting
Rhode Island Sweet
Round Sweet
Sweet Lyman's Pumpkin
Vermont Pumpkin Sweet
Vermont Sweet
Yankee Apple